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Learning to Savor Stillness

From as far back as I can remember, I have made sure to fill every moment of my life with "something". I always have a new hobby or leisure pursuit. I look back and contemplate if being busy made me feel accomplished or was it a way of simply abating my underlying hum of anxiety.

As I have followed the path of The Healer I have been forced to self reflect many times over. In order for me to be truly present for any of my clients I need to be present first and foremost for myself. I own a very large salon and healing practice that resides directly above it. My days are filled with haircuts, color, and beautiful loud bustling energy. This rolls over to the second part of my day in which I have the honor of serving my clients and sharing my gifts as a healer.

Recently it was as if life came to an abrupt halt. The salon slowed way down and so did my healing practice. Spirit had big plans for me. Remember sometimes this is a painful process, but it is always so worth it. I held myself the biggest most grand pity party you have ever seen for about a week. I got swept up talking with all of the other stylists about how slow it was. Knowing all to well that even speaking this out load (into the universe) I was absolutely manifesting this into existence! One day I came home and decided to relish in the quiet. I was going to honor Kristi (that's me😊) by allowing myself to be still and not make myself feel less than adequate about doing so. I layed on the couch with the windows open listening to my beautiful wind chimes as my grateful German Shepherds layed by my side. They weren't used to seeing their mama not bustling around. I read books and filled my head with so much wonderful knowledge. I don't usually have time to even read an article. I walked at the park across the street and when I felt I was sure nobody was looking I took my shoes off and squished my toes into the dirt to feel grounded. It was wonderful. I make and sell a lot of herbal remedies for my clients but with the time I suddenly found myself with I decided to make an herbal remedy just for me. I loved going through my herbs and mixing them with my oils to create medicine I will be able to use. I have enjoyed shaking my herbal concoction every morning as I pour my love and intention into it. I made a promise to myself that no matter what happened or how busy I got again I was going to take 10 minutes to meditate daily, no excuses. The first day was so hard. My monkey mind was all over the place. I am somebody that loves a challenge so I kept at it. Ten minutes used to feel like an eternity, but I now meditate for about an hour a day. It comes easy and I look forward to this time. It is sacred. I have found I am now consistently calm and definitely way more patient. My intuitive abilities have increased to great extent.

The 13th century Persian poet Rumi wrote:

This being human is a guest house. Every morning a new arrival. A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor. Welcome and entertain them all! Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,who violently sweep your house empty of its furniture, still treat each guest honorably. He may be clearing you out for some new delight. The dark thought, the shame, the malice, meet them at the door laughing and invite them in, be grateful for whatever comes because each has been sent as a guide from beyond.

You see this is what makes mindfulness meditation so powerful. It’s a practice for welcoming the guests. Usually our unwanted thoughts.

Next time you find yourself frantically looking for distractions such as Facebook, Instagram, Netflix or that glass of wine. Choose to go within. You may find that is where your real peace and answers you seek have been all along.

Make the place you meditate sacred. Pick candles that smell heavenly, buy yourself a lavender eye pillow, or even invest in a special little altar. Use that Starbucks money to splurge on your own personal little healing retreat. Treat your meditation practice as a ritual. Everyone in my household knows if they smell the Palo Santo lofting out from under my door, unless the house is burning down to leave me ALONE!

As I watch my books once again filling up I say thank you to spirit for decelerating my life for a season and teaching me many lessons I will now cherish and take with me. I will always give myself grace to move a little slower and savor the stillness. Are you ready to savor your own stillness?

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